Just Mortgages Lenders Fayre 2023
17th – 18th May 2023 marked the annual Just Mortgages Lenders Fayre. The event, which is the largest to date, took place at The Vox in Birmingham, situated within the expansive Resort World complex. The event was split into two days, day one welcoming the Self Employed Division, and day two welcoming the Employed Division.
As always, the event was arranged by members of the Just Mortgages management team, from initial booking of venues, accommodation, catering, guest lists and everything in between.
This year over 30 different lenders & providers hosted a combination of stands and key note lectures to over 500 advisers and Just Mortgages Support teams, discussing everything from the interest rate rises, to the rise in New Build property development.
The Just Mortgages Lenders Fayre is a unique industry event, as it welcomes all self-employed advisers to attend and network within their divisions. Supporting the Just Mortgages Self Employed Division mantra of ‘On your own but not alone’, those operating as self-employed businesses have the chance to meet their colleagues, lenders and other members of the wider business.
Alongside the fantastic lender stands & guest speakers, guests were also welcomed to join breakout rooms, where members of the Just Mortgages Support Teams hosted seminars in a more intimate setting for advisers. These rooms were hosted by the Learning & Development Team, Senior Management Team, Just Wealth Division and the Marketing Team. All breakout rooms offered advice, discussion and the opportunity for advisers to ask questions and learn how they can improve their own business strategies.
Throughout the days there were also a number of awards presented to top performing advisers, members of staff, and lender awards voted for by advisers. John Phillips, National Director for Just Mortgages, invited numerous guests on stage to accept awards and praise for a hugely successful 2022.
Furthermore, guests were also treated to an exciting guest speaker in the evening, Colin MacLachlan. Colin is a former SAS soldier, motivational speaker, author and actor, who offered some truly phenomenal and inspiring advice & insight to all about what it means to lead a team, be part of team and get the best out of your opportunities.
We also held our annual Magic Moments Chairty Auction, where over £10,000 was raised for the fantastic cause.
And as usual, there was a fantastic disco to top the evenings off, with a DJ and onsite bar on hand to ensure everybody could celebrate and enjoy the evening they have earned for a fantastic 2022 result.