Annual Lenders Fayre 2022
Last month, Just Mortgages hosted the annual two-day Lenders Fayre, at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Self-employed & employed advisers, staff and lenders were invited to network and celebrate three years of the company’s success and individual accolades, culminating since 2019. For many, this was the first opportunity to reunite with familiar faces whilst introducing newer ones, immersing in company culture post-COVID without restrictions.
The event was comprised of fantastic talks from Openwork in addition to round table networking events with lenders, enabling central teams to discuss all topics marketing, training, legal, compliance and wealth related.
National Operations Director, John Phillips, commenced the event with a welcome speech. Head of Mortgages and Protection for the self-employed division, Ben Allkins, gave a synopsis of what to expect throughout both days and an in inspiring update on the growth we have experienced since the last event, three years ago. Duncan Jones, Managing Chapter Director for our Taurus chapter further highlighted key takeaways, as mentioned on day one, for the employed attendees on day two.
Our award winning mortgage brokers, Laura Tilbury and Emma Gascoigne, were both recognised for their excellent reviews and gave inspirational talks respectively. Tommy Taylor, Managing Director of our Orion chapter talked about incorporating ‘TNTs’ (Tiny Noticeable Things) moving forwards.
With 49 tables in total, we experienced an excellent turn out over the two days, giving the opportunity to recap, gain new insights and network with a number of industry professionals.
A raffle was held across both evenings on behalf of Magic Moments, with contributions from lenders too. Both nights saw people bidding on hampers, concert tickets (to see Kings of Leon, The Killers or Lady Gaga live) and signed Premier League football shirts. We are proud to announce that we have raised £20,000 for charity from this event alone.
With a final closing speech from John Phillips, the long-awaited return of the annual Lenders Fayre proved to be a sweeping success both professionally and personally.
We would like to give special congratulations to all the award winners across the two days and those who were recognised for their contributions to the business on behalf of Just Mortgages.