Finding the right deal can be stressful, we can help make it easier.
Did you know you may be able to save money if you switch your mortgage to a new deal?
Your existing mortgage rate may shortly be coming to an end, although your monthly payments may have reduced it is still a good idea to review your mortgage to ensure your current deal still meets your needs and requirements.
Alternatively, if you have been in your home for a number of years and seen a rise in the value of your property, you may wish to raise some additional borrowing.
But first you need to consider all of the details. As well as the headline rate there are other features of the deal which need consideration – lender fees, most appropriate mortgage term and which type of mortgage best meets your objectives.
We have access to a range of lenders including some exclusive deals you may not find anywhere else on the market. Our Advisers can look at your existing deal and compare it to other products available. They will then be able to advise you on the most suitable way forward.
Most importantly, we can give you the ongoing support you need throughout the process – from application to completion.